This trait does not affect autonomy or need decay, nor does it have any whims or proximity buffs.

Occasional Buffs OWW – Dazed +4 (15 Sim minutes, Hearing Aids on only) 11 Continuous Loots to be found Statistic Multipliers All musical instrument skills, DJ Mixing, Singing, Media Production, Child Social, and Career Performance for Entertainer increase half (0.5 multiplier) as fast (with the exception of when Hearing Aids are in, when the multiplier jumps to 0.8) It’s poor taste to ask for help when I’ve already got a ‘help’ thread going, though, so for the moment it’s a CAS Social trait for the sake of it being accessible and releasable. Want blind dates and one night stands? Specific Date/ Blind Date After choosing one of the Options and a Date (specific Date) you can choose the Location to meet.Since my Eating Disorder Pack has gone down so well, I thought I’d try my hand at another trait – this time, covering deafness and being HoH! This was originally intended to be a reward trait, but for whatever reason nothing I do to make it such is working, be it in Mod Constructor or Sims4Studio.

LittleMsSam is back with another mod, this time giving players the ability to add an online dating app system to The Sims 4. There is also a 50% chance the sim will get a confident moodlet while performing those activities. The sims with the blind trait will gain skills faster while working with abilities that require that senses, such as playing instruments and cooking. In the game, all Sims of any age group are exactly the same height. Players can modify nearly every aspect of a Sim's body in Sims 4, except one: height.

Sims can even go on blind dates or choose to have a one night stand rather than needing to flirt and enter a romantic relationship with another Sim in order to WooHoo. I have made sure all the links work (as of September 10, 2019) but cannot guarantee the mods themselves. Sims 4 CC Disability, Chronic Illness, and Mental Illness Masterpost.best viewed on desktop.