When Yui chooses her Adam, the guy will basically start getting major blood cravings for her blood. Oh and apparently he also wants to spread the seeds of Adam & Eve all over the world too (and whatever else they pull out of their ass as reasoning in every route.) And so he decided that Yui will be his “Eve” while his sons will be the candidates for “Adam”. That’s right, Adam and Eve were actually vampires! And then one day Eve ate the fucking apple and LOST HER VAMPIRE POWERS OH NOEZ!!1 And so Gendo Ikari Karl Heinz is some magical jesus who wants to bring back the amazing love between Adam and Eve to show the world the greatest love there ever was!! ( Gee where have I heard this before). Apparently when god created trees and animals and shit, he created not HUMANS but VAMPIRES. On top of this check out this bullshit plot. Due to this, the new people probably have no fucking idea what the characters are like and ended up basterdizing them. So this time around, Rejet decided to change the entire scenario writing team save for 2 people. For you as the player, you get to pick which one will “protect” Yui during the game ( ´_ゝ`). The Sakamakis think that the Mukamis are after the power of Yui’s blood and decide to protect and watch over her. Upon arrival to school, she runs into 4 new half-vampire transfer students, the Mukami brothers. One day on the way to school, their car has an accident and during the process Yui starts trippin’ balls and seeing Karl Heinz invading her brain telling her she is “Eve”.

And so our heroine Komori Yui has been living with her abusive man-harem for some time and they are all fully aware of the power and source of her blood.