The creepy factor is just too much a part of the game for me to enjoy it. Grouping Asuka so you can advance the story and then having her say a line like 'I don't know if I can keep being a ninja (because I love you so much)' is more cringe inducing than seeing Melonpan making love to a Asuka dakimakura. If you thought the Toast in Mouth Cliche was overdone, this is beyond that. They just reused art and visuals from past games and added a really cliche storyline. I almost feel like the devs are mocking people who love the girls in this series and are just trying to score some easy money. I love the bouncing **** but this visual novel (because that's really all it is) just feels. It's rare to see a game company tell SJWs that if they don't like the game then don't buy it. I almost feel like the devs are mocking people who love the girls in this series and are just I really enjoy the Senran Kagura series and their boldness to admit it's all about fan service. I really enjoy the Senran Kagura series and their boldness to admit it's all about fan service. It doesnt have what you are searching for. like literally you dont like asian novels and such, just dont bother. This game better fits the EU and asian market.

The only difference between thing and other asian novels, are the visuals and interactions. This is what most asian novels are, any one who play's those know to not expect more then what the game is supposed to be. And it probably wont fit many prude western people. This is true uncensored asian novel style. This game is a mix max of that and doesn't fit the american general public. This game isnt for people who dont like tiddies, senran kagura and Visual novel games. This is what most asian novels are, any one who play's those know to not expect more then what the game is This game is da bom.